Today has been a day of reflection. A PPA day spent putting some order to a growing pile of photos, children's drawings, writings and scribbled ideas. Having been guided in my MoE by instinct, enthusiasm and serendipity, it seemed that the time had come for some order to be imposed on the happy chaos that it had become.
Spending the day putting all this amazing 'evidence' into an A3 display wallet made me look closely and notice the wit, intelligence and humour in every tiny detail, that, in the busy rush of moving forwards, I had not noticed at all. We are constantly reminding ourselves of what children do NOT know, or have NOT learnt. I am staggered by how much they have been absorbing, like little sleeping sea sponges, whilst I was not actively 'teaching' at all! This must be what is called 'learning'!!
I 'planned' the last week in retrospect, having already watched each day evolve from the last,(am I the only person who works this way?-obviously not all the time...) If I had planned it in advance would I have felt the same freedom to follow ideas as they emerged?
Matching activities and outcomes with the NC PoS I am surprised by the huge coverage. That box ticked, I can sleep easy.
A few magical Moulsham moments from Bio Research Labs:
The children had just been introduced to their company, which tests chemicals in foods to ensure consumer safety, and had moved on to meet a new threat: poisonous chemical P5601TS, traces of which had been found in foods. The 'substance' was in the classroom (evening primrose oil capsules and tumeric to show it's plant form) when one of the children began to produce symptoms of the poisoning- his tooth fell out.
One of BRLabs medics noted symptoms and we continued. Ten minutes later, another child succumbed to the deadly substance and also lost a tooth! The 'Medical Assessment Centre'was truly up and running and in business.
Teeth were returned for the tooth fairy, but only after rigorous testing by the lab's bone analyst.
Magical Moment 2:
During the culminating conference with visiting client Tescos, (Mrs Thomas y4 teacher and Science co-ordinator) who were suffering losses and bad press due to the traces of P5601TS found in their foods, a shadowy figure was seen to be lurking outside the lab door. Moments earlier, our unfortunate client had taken a call on her mobile informing her that the situation had escalated in a hostage taking at the store. Bio Labs were busy unpicking this problem. One of the children, on seeing the shadowy figure, called out, "It's Mr A Conn! Maybe he's involved." Mr A Conn was a dastardly government education minister from our last MoE who was trying to stop our end of year musical production. (Mr Hindes, in fact)
Because the children were under the magical mantle, Mr Hindes had vanished and a figure of Historical Mantle figure was resurrected for the moment!
It really made my day today when aforementioned Mrs Thomas told me that she'd given her children the mantle and that they were archeologists in the library today.I hope that by the time I formally bring this idea to the whole school (there are 19 classes) there will be bits of mantle draped over many classrooms already.
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