Thursday 15 February 2007

The antidote

Extreme weather conditions on Thursday did not deter the scientists at Bio Research Labs who worked around the clock to find the antidote to lethal chemical P5601TS, traces of which had been found in foods at a well known national supermarket. 24 classroom free hours were all they needed to provide their client with help for sickening customers.

First hand experience of the snow helped when faced with the increased complication on Friday, of a hostage situation in the freezer department at the same store. The Bio scientists knew just how long they had to 'talk down' the perpetrator before physiological damage was inflicted. It would seem that the same person who tampered with foods, took employees and a group of visiting schoolchildren hostage.

Research into the plant from which this chemical derives, is due to take place next week, with visits to it's natural habitat of Madagascar by botanical experts at Bio Research Labs.

Meanwhile, efforts to propogate the plant in the UK will continue, in order that the precious antidote can be extracted easily.

The critical question of why, has yet to be fully explored. It would seem that the person in possession of P5601TS is very unwell themselves, but this does not explain the motive. Some of the hostages have expressed a desire to talk to the perpetrator in order to better understand...

The final words must be with some of the scientists: (some spellings have been changed)

"we found that the terrorist's motive was he needed money to cure his heart disease and to give his nan food. In doing this he was clumsy in where he put his hostages because they were right next to the back door. To save these children we simply used his P5601TS to trigger a smoke reaction."

"We tried to track down the terrorist and we did not stop asking why and what he was doing. But later on we started to celebrate because we have saved 31 children from a most awful freezer and they are back in school safe and warm."

1 comment:

dailybread said...

Thank goodness for the hard work af all those at Bio Research Labs. I hope that the perpertrator of this heinous crime is forced to explain their actions. Well done everyone.